Client: Monash University – Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences

Engagement type: Strategy Development

Tools & Methodology:

  • Survey instrument development
  • 1:1 interview
  • Group interviews
  • Greenshoot’s Voice of Customer Tool
  • Data Analytics
  • Accelerated Solution Design Workshops
  • Insights Report and Solution Design Recommendations

What the Client Needed

Monash University Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences engaged Greenshoot Consulting to undertake a review of their Intentional Partnerships Program through which they work with a range of health providers to provide professional placements, and to provide recommendations of how the program could be improved to maximise both the students’ and placement providers’ experience of the program.

What We Did

Greenshoot surveyed over 1000 students across nine streams within the Faculty, and interviewed both Operational and Senior Management staff and representatives from 25 placement providers. Our review was guided by criteria drawn from the Best Practice Clinical Leading Framework, as well as listening to stakeholders to learn what was most critical for them. Insights from the data were identified and prioritised by common themes and used to generate a range of recommendations to increase the value of the program for staff, placement partners and the Faculty.

The Outcome

Greenshoot’s created a detailed Insight Report which highlighted the existing strengths of the program as well as areas which could be improved. During this process, Monash re-engaged Greenshoot to immediately begin working on one of our recommended solutions. We look forward to continuing this conversation with Monash, and adding even more value to their profession placement proposition.